Mission & Outreach

Peace Lutheran and Blessed Temple are coming back strong in our local community outreach programs. 

Blessed Temple and PLC have worked together for many years on numerous projects. We share a church building and a strong belief that we can continue to  make a difference in our community. The last few years with the covid epidemic and the very changes we had seen in Portland and especially our own neighborhoods has made outreach at our building difficult.  We are planning to change that.  First Lady Janice Norris, myself Robyn Doll, Amy Davis and our crew are leading the charge with new ideas and opportunities for you as a volunteer to make these efforts a success.  

We have a planning committee gathering ideas, funds and people to come up with sustainable and viable solutions to help as many people in our area as we possibly can. 

Watch for us --- We will be back and stronger than ever. 

If you would like to work with us pleace leave your name and phone number

with our office administrator Marilyn Hardt


We're back!  We are opening  Feed, Teach and prayer nights


Join us the 2nd & 4th Wednesday evenings of each month Our evening will start at 6pm with a short devotional, followed by a dinner prayer, dinner will be served at 6:15. We will serve as many as our food supply last. After dinner at 6:45 we will have assorted workshops in various topics each month. 

Be kind and be patient while we strive to make things work and flow as smoothly as possible. 

Volunteers are welcome  

The Community fair

Every year in August Blessed Temple and Peace host the community fair on Peace Lutherans back yard. 

We have an amazing group of volunteers to make this happen. 

We give away food, clothing, household items, hygiene products, loads of back packs and school supplies. We invite the Portland Police and Fire departments to come, the Multnomah county  library, and we provide the opportunity to gather information on housing and many other programs. People come year after year to gather and greet each other and just sit and relax in the sun.

Its a great time for all of us. 

Faith can move mountains

A glimse of the love out poured to our fellowman   

Matthew 25: 35-40

For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink;

I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me;

I was in prison, and you came to Me. 

Then the rightous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry,and feed you,

or thirsty, and give you something to drink?  And when did we see you as a stranger, and invite you in, 

or naked, and clothe you? And when did we see you sick, or in prison and come to you? 

The king will answer and say to them, 

'I assure  you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, 

even the least of them, you did it for Me;

  • Feeding the homeless

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  • Filling the toy orders of families in need

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  • help with paper products

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  • making water filters for areas that don't have clean water

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  • Quilts made for the homeless & world relief

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  • Operation Christmas Child

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  • Dinners for all

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  • Visiting the home bound with Christmas caroling

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  • Teaching Children and adults about the birth of Jesus

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  • cooking and serving Wednesday night dinner

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  • Bread  ministries

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The ways of giving back to our commuity and each other is endless

Lets work on this together. 

Gods many blessings on all you do. 

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